16 March 2024

🎥Relations with institutions are at the heart of the Rugby Europe C’est Vous ! project

The relationship with the institutions must be strengthened and developed to give Rugby Europe the means to achieve its ambitions. Find out more about my vision and proposals in this new video

The ambition: to reach a corner, by giving ourselves the means to fulfil our ambitions, to enable all our Unions to achieve the development they deserve.


The history of Rugby Europe, from its creation in 1934 to the present day, has always reflected France's interest in the development of European rugby.

My candidacy is in line with this logic and explains the official support of the French Rugby Union (voted unanimously by the FRU Committee).

For the past 3 years, I have been working on a project for Rugby Europe, based on 4 key areas and taking the form of 47 commitments

In all the roles I've held in rugby, from club manager to Secretary General of the FRU, and including VP positions at Rugby Europe and the CNOSF, I've always made myself totally available, and of course I'm going to continue to do so.


In the field, I've been involved in the world of rugby for over 20 years.



It is with great pleasure and ambition that I share with you my vision and my desire to share it with you. A strategy based on the foundations of an innovative, dynamic and unifying project.

My programme is made up of 4 areas, which will lead to 47 commitments. These 47 commitments will determine the roadmap for the next period of governance.

Relationships with Institutions

Relations with institutional bodies are essential to Rugby Europe's future. This includes Rugby institutions as well as all the other political and economic institutions with which we must ensure our development.


Together, we must propose a rugby that is ambitious and supportive, serving the development of rugby in general, at all levels, for all forms of the game and for all audiences. Structured rugby for top-level European men's and women's rugby as well as for the entire pyramid, starting with the Rugby School. Our development will also depend on our ability to promote all the societal and social values that rugby develops, from schools to businesses


Rugby Europe's governance will have to evolve if it is to fulfil its ambitions. A gradual increase over the next 4 years must be planned. We have a competent staff that we need to retain by offering them a challenge in which they can progress and flourish. Management and premises must all be put in place to ensure optimum performance and unfailing support for the challenges ahead. Finally, of course, this governance will be part of an ambitious CSR policy.

Economic development

In order to develop, Rugby Europe will have to change its business model so that it can afford to fulfil its ambitions. In order to have a healthy relationship with our supervisory authority, our financial dependence must be reduced to below 50%, and our capacity to attract partners must be greatly increased. The points developed in our development vision must also lead to new subsidies. Our flagship products, such as the REC and the Super Cup, must be continued and their profitability improved.

By creating a synergy and the same dynamic around the same ambitions, I hope to make Rugby Europe's voice heard more widely

FAQ - How do the elections work?

What is Rugby Europe?
90 years old, FIRA was founded on 02 January 1934 when 6 unions came together. The organisation was officially formed on 24th March 1934 by 10 unions. The statutes and regulations sealed the deal, and the official declaration of birth on 30th May 1934 was registered in the Bulletin Officiel de la République Française on 10th June 1934. The first headquarters were set up at 61 rue des Petits Champs in Paris. The 1980s saw the worldwide expansion of FIRA, which had around 60 members by 1995. In 1997, Jean Claude Baqué took over from Albert Ferrasse as President, refocusing on Europe, and in 1999 FIRA became FIRA-AER, with a membership of just 35 nations. From 1997 to 2012, JC Baqué will hold the Presidency with a genuine desire to ensure the development of European rugby in all its forms and in all nations. He will have been the great architect of operational construction over all these years. In 2012, Octavian Morariu became President, completing his final term at the end of 2024. In 2014, FIRA-AER became Rugby Europe. Today, Rugby Europe is made up of 47 nations, representing 2.5 million players (59% of all players worldwide) who play for 7,857 clubs.
How is the President of Rugby Europe elected?
The President of Rugby Europe is elected by individual election during a General Assembly with a quorum representing half (1/2) of the votes of the Members and with a simple majority.
How to vote ?
The President of Rugby Europe shall be elected on an individual election during a General Meeting with a quorum representing one-half (1/2) of the votes of the Members and with a simple majority. During an elective General Meeting, the election of the President shall be held before the election for the Members of the Board of Directors. If there are more than one candidate for the position of President of Rugby Europe and no candidate reaches a simple majority after the first ballot, a second ballot shall be organized with the two candidates who have obtained the most votes after the first ballot. The candidate who reaches the simple majority after the second ballot shall be elected President.
How can I support Christian Dullin's candidacy?
You can show your support by posting a testimonial directly on our website (you can send a message to, or share Christian Dullin's content on your social networks.

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